When we experience the death of someone dear, it is easy to feel lost and alone. That is why I have written this book with the intention of bringing love and comfort to anyone who reads it. Considering the lack of children’s books that are focused on this topic, it is my honor to share part of my journey in the hopes that it will help both children and parents cope with the loss of someone they love.
When your loved one has passed, it does not mean that their love for you is gone. Love is something magical that can be felt, cherished and remembered forever. Instead of focusing on the fact that they are no longer here, allow love to remind you of the wonderful memories you have of them. Memories are the gifts that our loved ones leave us when they die.
I know how it feels to experience the pain of loss at a young age. I was 5 very young when my mother died. I was lonely and had an emptiness inside of me that I thought would never go away. As I got older, the pain would lessen but I knew it was hiding close to the surface and would show it’s ugly face when I least expected it. Growing up I felt different. I was different. During elementary through high school, I didn’t have any classmates who had a parent die. I felt isolated.
As I got older, I eventually had a family of my own. Becoming a wife and a mother was one of the greatest blessings of my life. Not only did I feel like I was thriving for the first time, but I also was able to start healing from my childhood. God has given me 5 children of my own that I love and adore. Even with the absence of my mother, I have felt her love throughout my life, and I know she has been watching over my children and me.
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to write a children’s book. Maybe it was because I loved reading to my children at night but not in my wildest dreams did I ever think this book would turn out like this. It has been quite a journey and a magical one at that. I’ve worked on this story for years and finally shared it with my brother. I will never forget the moments we sat side by side as we worked on my laptop sitting at my dining room table. Those are some of the most precious memories I have had with him.
There have been some truly inspired moments that occurred while writing and revising this book. Even more, I have never felt a deeper connection to my mother. It’s hard for me to put it into words. I have spent so many years living in a world of fear and sadness but now I spend my days feeling peace in my heart and feel the love of a Mother who is guiding me. As you can imagine, my life has changed quite a bit. I am now on a mission to help people find this love and comfort so they can share it with others.
So I ask you this question…Instead of living in the pain of being separated from those who have died, what if you focused on the love that you felt when you were with them? That love still connects you to one another. How would that change your life? My hope and prayer is that you will find peace in this world and always remember that love connects us all to one another.
You are loved,